Apple Crumble Recipe

Apple Crumble is the ultimate comfort food. Buttery crumble topping complements the tartness of the apples. Serve with lashings of steaming hot custard or with a generous drizzle of fresh cream. 


For the Crumble Topping

  • 250g of Self Raising Flour
  • 125g of Butter or Margarine
  • 65g Caster Sugar

For the Apple Filling

  • 3-4 Bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped into pieces approximately 2cm in diameter
  • A splash of water
  • Sugar to taste


For the apple filling

Put the apples into a pan with a splash of water. You don’t need much, just enough to stop the apples sticking to the base of the pan.

Over a medium low heat, keep stirring the apples until they start to soften. Once they look about the right consistency, take the pan off the heat. Using a clean teaspoon, taste the apples to see how sour they are. 

Slowly add sugar to taste until they taste sweet enough.

Make sure you mix well to blend in the sugar.

When the sweetness levels are right, tip into an ovenproof dish and set aside.

For the crumble topping

In a clean mixing bowl, add the flour and butter. Using the rub-in method rub the flour into the butter until it resembles breadcrumbs

Stir the sugar into the crumble mix and then pour over the apple filling. Smooth out with a wooden spoon so it’s nice and even

Place in the oven at around gas mark 5 until it is golden.


How to make apple sauce
Sarah Cooper

I love cooking! I'm hoping that by sharing some of my cooking wisdom, recipes and tips with you you'll come to love cooking as much as I do! When I'm not cooking and writing, I love spending time with my family and my cat and reading crime novels

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