How to make Apple Sauce

Apple sauce is a fantastic accompaniment to Roast Chicken and Roast Pork. The subtle tang of the apples is complemented with the sweetness of the sugar. It’s very easy to make and only has three ingredients. Bramley apples, sugar and a splash of water. 


You will need

  • 3-4 large Bramley apples, peeled. cored and chopped into pieces around 2cm or 1 inch diameter.
  • Sugar to taste
  • A splash of water


Put the prepared apples into the pan with a splash of water

Using a low-medium heat, gently cook the apples until they are the consistency you prefer. Keep stirring them all the time to ensure they don’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Once they are at the right consistency, remove from the heat and using a clean teaspoon, taste the apples. This gives you a good starting point for knowing how much sugar to add. It’s a good idea to add some sugar a little at a time, tasting it regularly. This means you can get the sugar levels right for the apples you’re using. 

Once the apples are at the right level of sweetness tip the hot apple sauce into a dish and leave to cool

Storing Apple Sauce

Once cool the apple sauce can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days or frozen in a tub or bag for around a month.

Serving Suggestions

Serve with Sausages and mash

Serve with roast chicken, turkey or pork

Use as the basis for apple crumble, apple charlotte or an apple pie

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Apples for Apple Sauce
Sarah Cooper

I love cooking! I'm hoping that by sharing some of my cooking wisdom, recipes and tips with you you'll come to love cooking as much as I do! When I'm not cooking and writing, I love spending time with my family and my cat and reading crime novels

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