Slow Cooked Gammon Recipe

Gammon is versatile, easy to cook and relatively cheap. Any leftovers can be used in sandwiches, quiches or omlettes so it’s great for meal planners as it can form part of several meals.

Should I soak Gammon before Cooking?

It’s entirely up to you. I personally don’t and find it’s fine without soaking, but it is a matter of personal taste. If you find that it’s too salty, without soaking, try soaking it next time and see if you prefer that!

How to Slow Cook Gammon

Remove all the packaging from the Gammon, including the inner wrapper. 

Put the Gammon Joint in slow cooker with a splash of water. This helps keep the meat moist and hopefully will help stop the slow cooker pot from cracking. The Gammon will create its own cooking liquour so literally just a splash is enough. I normally add about a small glass full. Replace the lid of the slow cooker 

Cook on High for around 3 hours or on Low all day. If you want to slice it don’t over cook it. If you’re wanting it to be served ‘pulled’ like the texture of pulled pork, cook it for longer.

Once the cooking time is up, lift out of slow cooker and put the meat into an ovenproof dish. 

Crisp up in the Oven

If you want to use any glazes or flavours to the meat now would be a good time to add them.

Honey and Mustard brushed over the top works well. If you like it plain, just score the fat on the top of the meat with a knife (in a criss-cross pattern) and then cook in oven for about 20 mins to half an hour to crisp up. This is optional, you can serve it straight from the slow cooker if you wish, but the fat will not crisp up in the slow cooker.

Alternatives to the Cooking Water

Add a can of regular coca cola to the slow cooker dish in place of the splash of water

Try adding a can of pineapples in juice in place of the water

Put the meat on a bed of sliced onions and a splash of cider

Serving Suggestions
  • Slice and serve with new buttered new potatoes, vegetables and parsley sauce
  • Add to Quiches
  • Slice and serve with a Jacket Potato and salad
  • Slice and serve with fried eggs, onion rings, peas and pineapple rings
  • Cook for longer and pull the meat apart with forks and serve in bread rolls with salad, corn on the cob and coleslaw
  • Serve with Dauphinoise Potatoes and fresh vegetables
  • Serve with cauliflower cheese and roast potatoes
What to do with leftover Gammon
  • Dice and use in pasta bake
  • Use in Carbonara
  • Make sandwiches or toasted sandwiches or panini with cheese and tomato
  • Chop and put into an omlette
  • Add to a Pasta Salad
  • Make into traditional ham salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and sliced hard boiled egg


Sarah Cooper

I love cooking! I'm hoping that by sharing some of my cooking wisdom, recipes and tips with you you'll come to love cooking as much as I do! When I'm not cooking and writing, I love spending time with my family and my cat and reading crime novels

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1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth English

    Seemed “too easy” to be this good, but it was delicious and moist and just what I wanted as we don’t like sweet glazed gammon.
    Thank you x


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